Évi Fábian | Women in Hungary II. - portrait album

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Texts written by: Fiath Marianna.

"Fábián Evi's book is not a simple collection of female portraits. It presents the personalities in their own environment and adds short character sketches next to the shots that only highlight the essence, the significant of their lives, their present and their character. In this way, the reader not only reads from the photographs the features of the figures, who are often known by their faces, but often stand out in their actions, but also matches what they see with what is written. Fábián's art and essential vision highlight both their beauty and their importance. Anyone who reads and looks at this book will think the same thing: how good it is to be proud of these creative, doing, thinking women who, in addition to their work and profession, live out their femininity, their gender-bound and far-beyond roles"

Art historian Zsolt Petrányi, MNG

Published: 2014

Hardboard, 196 pages (Hungarian, English, German)

ISBN 9789631201062